Dace Erenbote

Dace Erenbote started the optometrist career in Latvia 20 years ago, but a few years ago moved to the UK and is working as a specialist optometrist at the Bristol Eye Hospital. Currently she is specialising in Medical retina and Glaucoma. Dace Erenbote is seeing “real” patients in clinics and reviewing “virtual” patients from home. She is working in secondary eye care in England, and would like to share how effective and efficient virtual clinics are.
Title of presentation
Virtual clinics in patient care
With current increasing population on one hand, and aging population on the other, the capacity of face- to-face clinics is stretched. To manage patients with chronic eye conditions such as glaucoma, wet AMD, RVO and diabetic retinopathy, virtual clinics are a great solution to review stable patients in a timely manner.