Nicola Rizzieri, Dr.
MSc in Clinical Optometry, Optometrist

Nicola Rizzieri is a PhD Student in Medical Physics at the University of Latvia, Doctoral School of Vision Science. Currently, he is researching objective analysis of medical images and accurate indexes to prevent and grade eye diseases such as Diabetic Retinopathy. Dr. Rizzieri is a myopia management specialist, treatment strategies and ocular biometry, experienced in ophthalmic peripheral-defocus lenses and special contact lenses such as orthokeratology. Also, he has great experience in ocular aberrations measurement and treatment and advanced vision quality metrics. Dr. Rizzieri is working in a private practice as an Optometrist.
Title of presentation
Objective retinal fundus image analysis with Deep Learning
Artificial Intelligence and Computer Vision science are revolutionising the world. In the medical field, especially in ophthalmology and optometry, the objective evaluation and grading of different disease stages are compelling in promoting excellent patient care and outcome. Implementing Machine and Deep Learning algorithms in conventional eye care procedures such as the eye fundus exam can be crucial in screening and patient follow-up. Thanks to the huge spread of smart devices and computers, a digital picture of the retina can be easily acquired and analysed by an algorithm helping eye care practitioners, assistants, and volunteer personnel. Today’s presentation explores machine learning potential in retinal image analysis and shows state-of-the-art strategies to get valuable objective data in diagnostic procedures and treatment options.